Featured Member
A Road to Home Inc.
The Shoshone Chamber of Commerce would like to spotlight our Chamber Member this month, A Road To Home. This organization began 7 years ago and is an all volunteer group headed by Susie Petersen, owner of Ace Hardware, and her board. They have been taking care of all lost and abandoned animals from the beginning and continue to do so, even now, waiting for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter to be built. Last March to the beginning of September they took in 282 dogs and 200 plus cats, not including the 17 dogs they rescued from a hoarding situation in Dietrich. All these years they have provided food, vaccines, blankets and towels, pay vet bill's for injured animals and provide countless animal cages. They assist all the other animal entities in the entire valley with housing and transports, Gooding, Buhl, Hagerman, Twin Falls and Burley. They helped to spay and neuter 100 cats and kittens in Gooding. The group pays hospital vet bills for owners who are unable to do so. In January and February alone they arranged for transport of 17 dogs and 11 puppies and their mother to a rescue in Spokane, Washington. So, please remember that A Road To Home is always in need of help from the citizens of all of Lincoln County. Animal food, blankets, towels, cages and monetary donations are always welcome. Contact Ace Hardware, 208 886 7112 or stop by 106 South Rail St East for more information or to drop off donations. They are a non profit 501C3 organization. Please do not forget about all the things that have been done for the animals of Lincoln County. Susie and her group are just more of the wonderful volunteers that help to make this a better community.